Equip classes

Antioch School for Discipleship, Leadership & Ministry | Fall 2024 Session

September 18 - November 6, Wednesdays, 6:30 - 8 pm

These classes are offered in-person @ OBCC, as well as webcasted via Zoom. 

Every class session RECORDED & ARCHIVED. See course descriptions and registration below.

Introduction to inner healing

Lead Instructors: Jose & Lyniece Oyola

The purpose of this course is to provide students with an introduction to various areas of healing in their “inner man” that God wants them to walk in. We will be sharing content, along with practical tools that that will bring freedom and healing in a believer's life. Special areas of focus in this introductory course will be freedom from generational curses, replacing ungodly beliefs, renouncing inner vows and accomplishing forgiveness.


new testament 1: The gospels & Acts

Lead Instructor: Jeff Hubing

This course will walk students through the first five books of the New Testament (Matthew – Acts) and provide insight into their historical, literary and theological character. Students will gain a deeper understanding of the world of Jesus and his earliest followers, and develop crucial skill in the interpretation and application of these texts to their lives. We will all be invited to experience the grace and power of the gospel as we open our hearts to the Spirit’s illuminating and transforming work.
